Saturday, December 8, 2012

Installing CopFilter on IPCop 2


- The copfilter installation and webgui language will be the same as 
  what you in the IPCop webgui, so if you want a different language change this settings in 
  System -> GUI Settings


- enable ssh   on your ipcop machine through the IPCop admin web pages (necessary for file transfer)

- enable squid on your ipcop machine through the admin web pages (needed for privoxy to work)

- you will need a secure copy (scp) client to copy the package to your ipcop firewall and a
  secure shell client (ssh) to actually install the package
  if working on unix, you should have ssh and scp already installed, if not you have to install
  these programs from the linux distribution you are using, or compile them yourself

  if working on windows you could use (both opensource and free):
  graphical  secure copy  client:     winscp
  graphical secure shell client:     putty 

  putty includes a command line secure copy client called pscp.exe

- download the latest copfilter version from
  do not try to extract this tar file on windows (your virus scanner will warn you about 
  4 testvirus files in the archive ), instead copy it to the ipcop machine by doing the following:

copy the package to the firewall
  copy the package to the ipcop firewall using a secure copy client (scp)
  on a unix or linux machine:
  scp -P 8022 <copfilterpackage_name> root@<your_ipcop's_machine_ipaddress>:/root
  scp.png  (notice that port 8022 needs to be used)

  OR on a windows machine using winscp

  start winscp and create a new session in the WinSCP login screen:
  winscp.png  (assuming is your ipcop's ip address)

  then drag and drop the copfilter installation file to the ipcop /root and 
  click on copy when asked to confirm

  OR on a windows using putty's pscp

  pscp -P 222 <package_name> root@<your_ipcop's_machine_ipaddress>:/root


install the package on the firewall

- login to the ipcop machine with a ssh client,
  example with putty:
  start putty
  enter the ipaddress of your ipcop machine into the "Host Name (or IP address)" field
  enter the ssh port  of your ipcop machine into the "Port" field, this is usually: "222" 
  enter a session name in "Saved Sessions", for example "ipcop"
  click on "Save"
  click on "Open" to start the ssh session to your ipcop machine
  screenshot: putty.png

- you should now have an open terminal session with putty

- if you are updating, first uninstall the old version:
  everything which was copfilter related will be deleted without confirmation, 

  you might want to create backup before uninstalling:
  /var/log/copfilter/default/setup_util -b

  to uninstall:
  /var/log/copfilter/default/setup_util -u

- extract the package:
  cd /root
  tar xzvf copfilter-0.1.0.tgz  (version number could be different than in this example)

- change to the directory and install the new package
  cd copfilter-0.1.0

  this script will automatically extract the setup tar file and will also 
  automatically execute /var/log/copfilter/default/setup_util -i

  if it fails and you get these error messages:
      gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
      tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
      tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
      tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
  then this means that you have not correctly downloaded the full file, try
  to redownload the file and then try again.

Copfilter 2.0.91beta3 installation completed successfully!

Don't forget to:
1. Enter your Email Address and SMTP-Server in the Copfilter-Webgui:
   IPCop-Webgui -> Copfilter tab -> Email

2. Read the documentation: README (on webgui ->

3. Configure Copfilter-Webgui: Configure AND press >>Save Settings<< in each
   section and then press >>Restart all services<< to start all Copfilter servic                                                                                                                                                       es.

Please report errors and questions to:
>>copfilter-main at lists dot sourceforge dot net<<
or visit the official Copfilter forum (link is at the bottom of the webgui).

This is what you will get after a sucessfull installation:

First steps with existing Copfilter backup:
   - Restart IPCop (especially, if plan to use C-ICAP, Privoxy or IMSpector!).
   - Restore existing Copfilter backup using 'setup_util -r'.
   - C-ICAP User have to replace Squid binary using 'setup_util -W'.
   - Configure all Copfilter services and save settings each time without restar                                                                                                                                                       ting.
   - Restart all services on Copfilter status page using 'Restart all services'.

First steps without existing Copfilter backup:
   - Restart IPCop (especially, if you plan to use C-ICAP, Privoxy or IMSpector!                                                                                                                                                       ).
   - C-ICAP User have to replace Squid binary using 'setup_util -W'.
   - Configure all Copfilter services and save settings (optional: save settings                                                                                                                                                        each time without restarting).
   - Restart all services on Copfilter status page using 'Restart all services'.

First steps with C-ICAP:
   - For setting up URL-Filter and C-ICAP follow the links 'Picture description'                                                                                                                                                        and
   - 'Documentation' on C-ICAP-Page.

Please refresh your IPCop webgui using key <F5> after Copfilter installation!


- if you are a home user, you could also install the fprot virus scanner (free for home use) 
  so that your email will be scanned by 2 different virus scanners which increases security 
  this package only includes clamav virusscanner and you can optionally 
  install fprot with the included installation script:

     home      users please read
     corporate users please read
     only proceed to the next step if you fulfil the requirements as a home user

     then download (from above URL) and copy the downloaded file (for example fp-linux-ws-4.3.3.tar.gz) 
     to the ipcop machine into the /root/copfilter directory, change to the copfilter directory
     cd /root/copfilter
     and execute
     ./setup_util -f fp-linux-ws-4.3.3.tar.gz

     after installing fprot, additional options will appear in the webgui AntiVirus section 
     from where it can be activated to scan emails


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