Thursday, December 13, 2012

Manually Create Custom Application Launcher in Ubuntu 12.10 Unity

First install gnome-panel from Ubuntu Software Center, or using this command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

Then run this command to create a new .desktop file to /user/share/applications/.

sudo gnome-desktop-item-edit /usr/share/applications/ --create-new

It’ll pop-up a “Create Launcher” dialog. Type in app name, command to launch the program, and choose an icon

After that, you can search for and open it from the Unity Dash, and drag and drop it to Launcher.

Note:  Icons you see in Dash, other than recently accessed or downloaded files, are typically desktop launchers that have an icon associated with them. The launchers are in /usr/share/applications owned by root.

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